Friday, June 17, 2011

Whoa Whoa Whoa, Bud Selig has a somewhat good idea??? Nope...nevermind

Alright, so there's recently been a lot of hub bub about baseball realigning.  Basically, MLB/Bud Selig want to move the Houston Astros to the American League, eliminate all divisions so that there are 15 teams in each league, and then add one Wild Card spot.  That certainly is a neat and tidy way of stacking the teams (I mean it's driven me nuts for years that there are 6 teams in the NL Central and only 4 in the AL West!!  I knew there had to be SOMEONE in the MLB offices that was as OCD about this as me) but there are some issues with this layout.  Not the least of which would mean that there would have to be at least one Interleague series at all times.  This despite the fact most people agree, there is too much interleauge play as it is.  A second problem, is scheduling.  Right now they have unbalanced scheduling, which is just...awesome.  I mean it makes perfect sense the Yankees and Red Sox play 114 times and the Yankees and Blue Jays play 12 times right??  Of course it does.  Don't even get me started on adding another spot to the playoffs!  Why, so when a team that chokes their way out of a playoff spot in the last week (*cough, 2010 padres, cough*) they can still fall ass backwards into the playoffs??  Yeah everyone wants to see an 82-80 team back into the playoffs just so they can get swept out in the first round.  Dang Bud...even your good ideas, turn out to suck.

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