Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"When did Ohio become the stalker ex-gf?"

The title is a quote from Jimmy Kimmel, and I think it sums everything up for not jsut Ohio, but the media as well.  Can we all move on from "The Decision?"  Look, I don't like how he handled leaving Cleveland; I mean can you at least text the owner of the team ahead of time? And I thought the TV show was about as self-aggrandizing as it comes, but seriously, that was a freakin year ago.  Now, I hear people on ESPN radio ripping him on Monday and blowing out of proportion his post-game 6 comments about people "rooting on" him to fail.  Then today those same folks are ripping him for apologizing and trying to clarify his comments.  Sooo just so I understand, you take comments he says, blow them out of proportion just to create a firestorm.  THEN, when he feels the need to apologize and attempt to calm down the firestorm, you rip him because it doesn't "seem genuine."  Well, yeah its not genuine...he didn't say anything that required an apology!!  Leave him alone, and stop ripping him just for the sake of ripping him.

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