Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How come none of the Basketball Wives are actually wives of basketball players??

Anyone seen that show, "Basketball Wives, on VH1?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  Apparently it's a bunch of women walking around in "real" life, showing what they do on a daily basis.  Which, from the commercials and what I have read on SportsByBrooks, their daily basis appears to be walking around, treating people poorly, acting like they contribute to society, and just generally having an undeserved sense of accomplishment.  The title is a bit misleading though.  Considering that only TWO of the women are actually married to a basketball player (and one of them is married to Eric Williams...10 points to you if you know who that is and you are NOT related to Eric Williams).  The rest of the cast includes: Shaquille O'Neal's ex-wife, Dwight Howard's baby mama (who is class personified), Michael Olowakandi's ex-wife (same amount of points as Eric Williams), Kenny Anderson's ex-wife, Antoine Walker's ex-fiancee (she wasn't a wife at any point either!!) and Speedy Claxton's wife.  Honestly America, we can't actually watch this show and increase ratings.  Can we at least make these women have some kinda of skill other than sleeping with a basketball player?  But alas, I know why VH1 chsoe the title they did after all "Talentless, Freeloading Women, Who Used to be Involved With Basketball Players In Some Capacity Until The Players Ran Out Of Money" just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it??

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