Sunday, June 19, 2011

63 of the Day!!

So you've prolly never heard of this guy...but you should!  His name is Trip Thurman, number 63 in your Blue-Gold All-Star programs...number 1 in your hearts!  6'5" 310 lbs, Offensive Lineman from Dover High School in Dover, DE.  He just won Most Valuable Lineman for the 56th annual Delaware All-Star game.  Which is weird considering he didn't even make first team All-State.  Dude's one of the top 250 players in the country (according to and heading to the SEC to play college ball, and yet somehow is not one of the five best lineman in the state of Delaware??!!  We all know I love me some Delaware but come on now, we're gonna need a better effort out of you Delaware Football Coaches Association.  Bush league.  Full disclosure; he is my neighbor and has been for the last 18 years so I mean yeah...maybe I'm a little biased, so what?  Wanna fight about it (obligatory Family Guy reference)??  Anyway, he's headed to the University of Florida (insert fart sound) but we won't hold that against him here at 63 sports.  Sadly I will have to root for Florida 11 times next year (12 if you count the bowl game) but that is IT!!  Congrats again Lil Fella!!

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